This is a comprehensive guidebook detailing the sport climbing to be found in Hong Kong, covering 1,055 routes spread across 33 different crags. The guidebook covers a wide range of grades from F4 to F8b, with many routes in the lower to mid-grade range. The type of rock found on Hong Kong is either granite or volcanic that produce well featured technical routes requiring good finger strength.
All routes are shown on colour photo topos, along with a short description, the number of bolts and the pitch length. For each crag there is a QR code, approach map, written description and high-resolution aerial photography depicting approach trails, roads and key features where appropriate. There is also a description of the aspect and style of climbing to be found at each crag along with a clear, easy-to-read grade chart.
Published in 2020 this guidebook is in English text throughout. The guidebook also provides detailed information on travel, accommodation, visas, food, weather, what to bring, fixed protection standards, climbing walls and recommended routes to ensure a memorable experience for the visiting climber. There is also a comprehensive crag planner detailing total number of routes, best for grade range, climbing style, crag orientation, sun exposure, seepage and a brief description.
Number of pages is 508.
Size is 150mm x 210mm (A5).
ISBN is 9789887508908.